Video Gallery

Explore our video gallery showcasing insightful cyber security videos, curated to empower and educate on digital safety practices.

KMCC launch event on 14 Feb 2024 Valentine's Day

Feb 27, 2024

KMCC saw its official launch at the Templeman Library on the Canterbury campus of the University of Kent, on Valentine’s Day, February 14 2024! Many participants joined us for a fascinating look at the world of cyber security and learn how to fall in love with it. 

The event included a complimentary buffet lunch and networking opportunities with other participants including industry experts, University students studying or interested in cyber security, employers and recruiters looking for cyber security talent and researchers and educators with specialist expertise in cyber security and online safety. Participants listened to invited panellists and speakers on how to stay safe online and how to develop your skills to become a future cyber security expert.

Secure Digital Future: Jason Steer

Feb 23, 2024

Jason Steer discussing all things Secure Digital Future. Jason is currently the CISO for Recorded Future, an independent threat intelligence cloud platform, and has over 20 years of experience working across the information security sector.

Why does cyber security matter for everyone?

Nov 14, 2023

The Institute of Cyber Security for Society (iCSS) at the @UniversityofKent is releasing this new animated video for raising awareness of all on cyber security risks we are all facing in today’s highly digitalised and networked world. The video is the second of a series of animated video iCSS has produced, after the first one “How to be cyber superhero” for educating children about cyber security career pathways was released in February 2023 (see    • How to be a Cyber Superhero  ). Both videos are released as free e-resources for all to use for their own cyber security awareness activities. 

The new video was produced by the iCSS Director Professor Shujun Li with @SciAni, a company dedicated to producing animated videos to facilitate scientific communications with the general public. A number of other iCSS researchers contributed to the creation of the video: Dr Budi Arief, Dr Sanjay Bhattacherjee, Dr Virginia Franqueira, Dr Gareth Mott, Dr Jason Nurse, Ms Clare Patterson, and Dr Alexandra Covaci.

How to be a Cyber Superhero

Nov 18, 2022

Cyber security touches everything we do. It’s definitely not just for those who like coding!

The video is made by – Institute for Cyber Security in Society (iCSS), University of Kent in the UK and – Scriberia for schools, teachers, parents and children to learn more about cyber related skills including cyber security, online safety, and media literacy. This is a free education resource for all, so please feel free to use it. We highly recommend you use it in extracurricular activities such as those on the Safer Internet Day (7th February for 2023).

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